Scrap & Waste Management Companies - Database & Directory

Keeping into mind scrap & waste need of various industries, we introduced this data set so that to benefit them. This data set consists information of 1,167 Companies that deal in different kinds of Scraps & Waste. With the help of this data set, you can contact these companies  for purchasing, selling, trading and supplying scrap and waste of different materials/metals. By doing so, you can ensure a smooth and positive business flow.
We, 99DataCD are an eminent data provider in India committed to offer best-in-class Industrial & Trades data. Having vast experience in this realm, we are able to cater to almost all kinds of Industrial & Business data needs in the most sophisticated manner. We have nationwide reach that help us in procuring data of different trades from different corners of the country. This has made us one of the leading Industrial data providers in India.
Our offered data range is economical in nature.


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